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26종의 저널이 검색되었습니다.
  순번 MEDIA    저널명    원문제공기간 출판사 ISSN 소장처 URL  
  1 프린트     ACI Concrete International [] American Concrete Institute 0162-4075 ??? LINK  
  2 프린트     ACI Materials Journal [] American Concrete Institute 0889-325X ??? LINK  
  3 프린트     ACI Structural Journal [] American Concrete Institute 0889-3241 ??? LINK  
  4 프린트+온라인     ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering [] American Society of Civil Engineers 0899-1561 ??? LINK  
  5 프린트+온라인     ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering [] American Society of Civil Engineers 0733-9445 ??? LINK  
  6 프린트+온라인     ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction [] American Society of Civil Engineers 1084-0680 ??? LINK  
  7 프린트+온라인     Carbon Capture Journal [] Carbon Capture Journal Ltd 0000-0000 ??? LINK  
  8 프린트+온라인     Chemical Engineering [] Access Inteligence Pub 0009-2460 ??? LINK  
  9 프린트+온라인     Corrosion [] NACE International 0010-9312 ??? LINK  
  10 프린트+온라인     Electrical Review [] SJP Business Media 0013-4384 ??? LINK  
  11 온라인     Financial Times [] The Financial Times Ltd 0884-6782 ??? LINK  
  12 온라인     Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technologies Monitor [] ExchangeMonitor Publications 0000-0000 ??? LINK  
  13 프린트     International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grids [] Technology & Science Publishers 1614-7138 ??? LINK  
  14 프린트     International Journal of Power and Energy Systems [] ACTA Press 1078-3466 ??? LINK  
  15 프린트+온라인     Journal of the Electrochemical Society [] Electrochemical Society 0013-4651 ??? LINK  
  16 온라인     Machinery Lubrication [] Noria 0000-0000 ??? LINK  
  17 프린트+온라인     Magazine of Concrete Research [] ICE Publishing 0024-9831 ??? LINK  
  18 프린트+온라인     Modern Power Systems [] Progressive Media Group 0260-7840 ??? LINK  
  19 프린트     Power [] Power Magazine 0032-5929 ??? LINK  
  20 프린트     Power Engineering [] Pennwell Publshing 0032-5961 ??? LINK  
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